TweakyFlowerGames is A Studio/Solo Game Developer that is primarily a fan of horror games. Everything from retro horror to modern horror inspired games is what I will be working on here. Growing up with Windows XP, GameBoy Advance SP, PS2, Xbox 360, and many other consoles has always driven me to make unique horror projects by incorporating the nostalgic visuals and aesthetics with deep story telling. The goal is simply to make spooky games that will hit the spot for anyone looking for an early late 90s-2000's or general "uncanny valley" type of experience. The type's of horror subgenres you can expect to see here are Psychological Horror, Folk Horror, Digital Horror, Slasher Horror, and Cosmic Horror.
(NOTE: Major Platforms such as Nintendo, Xbox, and Playstation may get future releases if TweakyFlowerGames takes off!)